Friday, July 23, 2010

Watch World War Z - Information!

Ladies and gentlemen I feel as though I have to write this post as a service to you all. I, like many other people, am excited at the prospect of World War Z being made into a movie.

And I, like many people, was excited to see that Brad Pitt will cast himself in the movie.

However, if you haven't read the book I need to explain something to you. The main character in Max Brooks' World War Z isn't a zombie fighting machine. He's a writer, a reporter, a recorder of history and facts.

So, if Brad Pitt is going to star in the movie he won't be killing zombies. And if he's killing zombies he won't be in the lead role. I'm sorry if I just burst some bubbles.

I still believe that, if done right, this movie is movies is going to be a great watch. There are so many scenarios and locations to be touched on and so many stories to be told. It has the opportunity to be epic.

Stay tuned for more information as World War Z goes into production and after as we all wait for the release of World War Z!

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